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Metro Active Transport, Transit and First/Last Mile Program

Measure M established the Metro Active Transport, Transit and First/Last Mile (MAT) Program, which, over the course of 40 years, is anticipated to fund more than $857 million (in 2015 dollars) in active transportation infrastructure projects throughout the region. This is a competitive discretionary program available to municipalities in LA County and will fund projects to improve and grow the active transportation network and expand the reach of transit. The purpose of the MAT Program is to encourage increased use of active modes of transportation, such as biking and walking, and enhanced pedestrian and bicycle safety.
The Active Transportation Strategic Plan and Equity Platform Framework are the core policies shaping the program. Projects will be funded based on need, with priorities established using a variety of data, such as socio-economic factors, safety for active mode users, health and existing conditions of physical infrastructure for active modes. The Program will operate in two five-year cycles. The Metro Board of Directors approved projects receiving Cycle 1 awards in January 2021 and is expected to approve projects receiving Cycle 2 awards in Summer 2025.
MAT Cycle 2
The second cycle of the MAT Program will follow the process described in the MAT Program Administrative Procedures and further delineated in the Cycle 2 Solicitation. This cycle’s solicitation opened on February 6, 2025, and Letters of Interest are due on April 7, 2025 at 5 PM PDT.
- Advancing key Metro policies: 2023 Active Transportation Strategic Plan (ATSP), First/Last Mile (FLM) policy, and Equity Platform Framework
- Jump-starting action and building momentum for future efforts; creating visible, tangible results; and setting the groundwork for implementation at the broad scale envisioned by ATSP
- Encouraging, testing, and refining project partnerships and innovative delivery approaches
- Targeting investments in high need areas
Three Programmatic Categories
- First/Last Mile Areas
- Pedestrian Districts
- Active Transportation Corridors
Funding Years
- Fiscal Years 2026-2030
For Cycle 2, Metro will fund projects identified on the prioritized lists. First/Last Mile areas, Pedestrian Districts, and Active Transportation Corridors eligible for Cycle 2 funding were identified and prioritized in the 2023 ATSP using criteria that considered equity, safety and comfort, accessibility, connectivity, sustainability, demand and community support, and project readiness. For further resources, including lists of project locations, please see the MAT Cycle 2 folder in the above Documents link.
MAT Cycle 1
The first cycle of the MAT Program followed the process described in the MAT Program Administrative Procedures and further delineated in the Cycle 1 Solicitation. This cycle’s solicitation opened on February 18, 2020, and the application deadline closed on Thursday, April 30, 2020.
- Advancing key Metro policies: 2016 ATSP, FLM policy, and Equity Platform Framework
- Jump-starting action and building momentum for future efforts; creating visible, tangible results; and setting the groundwork for implementation at the broad scale envisioned by ATSP
- Encouraging, testing, and refining project partnerships and innovative delivery approaches
- Targeting investments in high need areas
Two Programmatic Categories
- First/Last Mile Areas
- Active Transportation Corridors
Funding Years
- Fiscal Years 2021-2025
For Cycle 1, Metro will fund projects identified on the prioritized lists. First/Last Mile locations and Active Transportation Corridor projects eligible for Cycle 1 funding were identified using a screening and prioritization criteria that considered equity, safety, and mobility/connectivity factors. For further resources, including maps of project locations, please see the MAT Cycle 1 folder in the above Documents link.