Regular Ride
Senior 62+ / Medicare / Customer with Disability
$.75 peak
$.35 off-peak
K-12 and Community College Students
Free with GoPass
Low Income (LIFE)
20 Free rides/mo

2023 Priority Action Item Tracker​

We’re focused on prioritizing projects and getting things done for you. We identify and select strategic projects to address and improve areas of customer frustration, what we call Action Items

The tracker below shows the progress of priority action items. To look at the full list of action items and annual status updates,

Check out our previous CX Plans

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Make It Safe

Customer Bystander Intervention Training

Last Updated: 2/2/2024

Status: In Progress

Expand Metro's employee Bystander Intervention Training and offer to customers through community and business partnerships

Create Integrated Public Safety Dashboard

Last Updated: 2/2/2024

Status: In Progress

Provide the public with timely information regarding security activities, crime, demographics, use of force incidents, and complaints. Information will be publicized through the Marketing and PR department.

Implement Station/Stop Design & Safety Assessment

Last Updated: 2/2/2024

Status: In Progress

From Gender Action Plan - develop and implement the Station/Stop Score Sheet to be taken by Metro women riders and Metro women riders groups to audit safety and comfort at Metro stops, stations, and facilities.

Learn More About the Gender Action Plan
Increase Homeless Outreach & Access to Services

Last Updated: 2/2/2024

Status: In Progress

Increase the deployment of homeless outreach workers and clinicians across the Metro system; implement homelessness navigation hubs near Union Station and explore other options in the future.

Safety For Operators

Last Updated: 2/2/2024

Status: In Progress

Enhance the safety of our operators through coordinated and prioritized improvements.

Make It Clean

Metro Code of Conduct Campaign

Last Updated: 2/2/2024

Status: In Progress

Conduct Metro Code of Conduct Campaign, which will inlcude addressing safety, cleanliness, and comfort on-board Metro.

24/7 M&E Help Desk Coverage

Last Updated: 2/2/2024

Status: In Progress

Increase staffing levels of M&E Help Desk to provide 24/7 coverage. This will assist in addressing the significant increase in maintenance requests coming from the Transit Watch App, Metro Ambassadors, and other channels.

Bus Stop Contact Information

Last Updated: 2/2/2024

Status: In Progress

Develop and execute a strategy to post at priority Metro bus stops the contact information for the entity responsible for addressing conditions at the stop.

Aging Subway Station Renovations (7th/Metro Center Station)

Last Updated: 2/2/2024

Status: In Progress

Conduct preliminary design to renovate 7th/Metro Station to improve safety, security, accessibility, equity, operations, maintenance, sustainability, and the overall customer experience.

Make It Comfortable

Bus Stop Improvements Plan

Last Updated: 2/2/2024

Status: In Progress

The implementation of recommendations and best practices from Metro's Bus Stop Improvements Vision, inlcuding: partnering with local jurisdictions to provide technical and financial assistance for expanded amenities and shelters, moving forward on bus stop lighting installation, and identifying opportunities for partnerships that may enhance cleaning and/or bus stop activitation.

Escalator and Elevator Improvements

Last Updated: 2/2/2024

Status: In Progress

Improve elevator and escalator operations without down time through improved monitoring and repair implementation of systems reaching failure modes prior to scheduled manufacturer recommended maintenance and replacements. Includes publishing information on elevator and escalator outages publicly. (Part of LA28 Olympics list of projects)

Cameria Visibility and Lighting

Last Updated: 2/2/2024

Status: In Progress

From Gender Action Plan - Expand the ways it advertises the presence of cameras at stations and in vehicles. Metro will also continue to upgrade the lighting at stations, stops, and on vehicles to respond to ongoing requests for better lit conditions. The quality of lighting conditions should be audited and improved through regular safety assessments

Learn More About the Gender Action Plan

Make It Reliable

Rail Frequency Restoration

Last Updated: 2/2/2024

Status: In Progress

Restore rail frequency to pre-COVID service levels, including late night rail service.

More Train Service as of Dec 10, 2023
Prioritize Opportunities for Improved Bus Layover Facilities

Last Updated: 2/2/2024

Status: In Progress

Examine and invest in bus off-street layover facilities - this will improve reliability by putting buses back in service faster as well as assist operator and customer happiness/health

Bus Lane Acceleration

Last Updated: 2/2/2024

Status: In Progress

Accelerate design of bus lanes and other speed and reliability improvements to reduce travel time for bus riders and increase the efficiency of bus operations. This would double the target speed and reliability improvements from 20 bus lane miles per year to 40.

Light Rail Speed Improvements

Last Updated: 2/2/2024

Status: In Progress

Provide to the Board options and recommendations for light rail speed improvement projects, including quantification of speed increases and travel time decreases that would be expected from these projects.

Make It Easy

Simplify and Share Metro Contact Information

Last Updated: 2/2/2024

Status: In Progress

Make it easy to find the appropriate Metro contact information - website, pocket guides, on-board ads; make information easy to read and understand what the phone numbers do

Improve Spanish Language Communications

Last Updated: 2/2/2024

Status: Completed

Establish formal procedures and cross-functional group to improve Spanish language marketing and communications

Enhancements to Go Pass and LIFE Program

Last Updated: 2/2/2024

Status: In Progress

Enrollment improvements to the GO Pass and LIFE programs, building on previous changes.

Station Wayfinding & Signage Updates

Last Updated: 2/2/2024

Status: In Progress

Conduct walk-throughs of high volume stations (eventually all stations) to assess existing wayfinding and identify gaps/issues to prioritize updates - internal and external

Extended Customer Care and Social Media Response Hours

Last Updated: 2/2/2024

Status: In Progress

Extend Customer Care and social media hours to cover entire service day on weekdays and weekends. Explore working from home options to potentially allow the extended timeframe.

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Together, we can make a difference.

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Little Tokyo/Arts District Station

402 E 1st St
Los Angeles, CA 90012
The station, bordering the two neighborhoods of Little Tokyo and the Arts District, will make these historically rich and vibrant neighborhoods easily accessible.
Station Amenities: bike lockers, bike racks
Station Artworks:
Transit Connections:
Metro A and E Line, Metro Bus Lines 30, 106, DASH A, Metro Bike Share