Bus Rapid Transit

Metro has a plan to create more transit options to reduce the amount of time you spend in traffic. With dedicated bus lanes, traffic-signal priority and high-quality stations with all-door boarding, Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) provides fast, reliable and convenient bus service throughout LA County.

What is Metro’s vision for BRT?

Bus Rapid Transit is a mobility option with many of the same benefits as light rail service, but at significantly less cost and with a faster build time. BRT offers reliable, frequent transit service in LA County with bus speed improvements over local bus service, operational enhancements and minimal infrastructure needs. Local examples of BRT service include the G Line (Orange), serving the San Fernando Valley, and the J Line (Silver), which serves El Monte, downtown LA and San Pedro.

Metro’s vision for BRT in LA County is outlined in our BRT Vision & Principles Study. The report includes BRT Design Guidelines with design details and features of Metro BRT projects.

Why is BRT an attractive option for select corridors?

There are several advantages to Bus Rapid Transit that make it an attractive option for fast, frequent bus service in select corridors across LA County. BRT standards and design guidelines can be flexible to meet the diverse needs of cities and transit operators in the region. BRT service can also leverage existing infrastructure by using streets and highways, and does not require a separate right-of-way. If conditions change over time along a BRT corridor, routing can be adjusted.

Additionally, BRT is a cost-effective transit option. Even at the highest levels of infrastructure investment, BRT costs much less than both light and heavy rail options. Based on completed and current Metro BRT projects in development, as well as a review of BRT lines around North America, the cost per mile for BRT implementation falls roughly within the following ranges.

$10-15 million/mile $25-30 million/mile $100+ million/mile
Approximately 20% of route has a dedicated running way, no or minimal right-of-way acquisition, no grade-separation At least 50% of route has a dedicated running way; no or minimal right-of-way acquisition, no grade-separation At least 80% of route has a dedicated running way; extensive right-of-way acquisition and/or grade-separation
With BRT, Metro is creating a transit option that is a faster and convenient way for riders to get around LA.

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Contact Us

Name: Martha Butler, Project Manager

Address: Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
One Gateway Plaza
Los Angeles, CA 90012-2952
Email: nohopasbrt@metro.net

Please be sure to include all of your contact information in the body of your e-mail.

Metro LEP information graphic including phone numbers (323-466-3876, ext 2) in various languages.

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