Funding and Resources

Funding Measures

Sales tax measures that fund Metro and provide monies for distribution to local jurisdictions:

Measure M

Measure R

Propositions A and C 

Budget and Financial Reports

Metro’s budget and financial reports are available on the Finance and Budget page.

Funding Programs

Funding Sources

State and federal transportation funding is integral to implementing Metro, regional, and local transportation programs and projects. The following are information and resources on funding management, programming, and opportunities:

Funding Sources Guide

Active Transportation Program (ATP)

Climate Investment Programs (Cap-and-Trade)

Road Repair and Accountability Act (SB1)

State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)

Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) 2022 Application

State Funding Agencies

City Resources

Metro Real Estate/Right of Way

Metro Adjacent Development Review

City and Metro Project Coordination

Letters of Support for Grant Applications

Metro provides letters of support for projects that are consistent with and/or implement Metro policies, and do not negatively impact Metro ROW or projects. Additionally, letters may include match commitments upon verification.

For Federal programs: to request a letter of support for a grant application, please contact Linda Tam at .

For State programs, please contact Linda Tam at .

Other Resources

Local Delivery Workshops

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