How We Plan and Build

Active Transportation

Metro has a plan to create more mobility options. It includes creating safe and convenient ways to get to and from rail stations and bus stops. At some point in every trip, everyone relies on active transportation such as walking, bicycling or rolling.  What are the benefits of active transportation?

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Bus Rapid Transit

Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is high-quality bus-based transit that provides fast, frequent service through bus only lanes, traffic-signal priority and high-quality stations with all-door boarding.

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Early Project Delivery

Metro has a plan to make it easier to get around LA. We’re transforming LA with $120 billion of transportation improvements over 40 years and, through the Early Project Delivery Strategy, we have identified transit projects that can be delivered faster than scheduled. How are projects identified for Early Project

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Environmental Review

Metro has a plan to build more transit with improved quality and service. Planning and building new transportation projects is complex. The time involved may seem long and frustrating – but the process is important.  Fact Sheet Hoja Informativa Environmental Review Explainer Video What are the key milestones in the

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Equity and Race

Metro believes that access to opportunity should be at the center of decision-making around public investments and services.

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First/Last Mile

The Plan is an approach for identifying barriers and planning and implementing improvements for the first/last mile portions of an individual’s journey.

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Gentrification and Displacement

Metro has a plan to enhance the quality of life in LA for everyone. It includes increasing access to opportunity by connecting everyone to what they need most. Metro also recognizes investment can sometimes bring unintended consequences and/or make existing problems worse in our local communities. What are gentrification and

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Goods Movement

Metro has a plan to make it easier to get around, which includes easing congestion to move goods through LA County in a way that supports economic opportunities, environmental sustainability and social equity. Why is goods movement important in LA County? The ability to move goods efficiently across LA County

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Highway Soundwalls

Metro has a plan to help our communities thrive. It includes creating quieter neighborhoods through our soundwall program for the benefit of LA County residents living in areas of high traffic.  How is Metro involved with building LA County’s soundwalls? With the passage of Senate Bill (SB)-45, the California Street

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Joint Development

Metro has a plan for improving quality of life by creating more opportunities to live and work near transit. Metro JD is committed to growing its housing portfolio to 10,000 homes by 2031—5,000 of which will be income-restricted. Metro has identified 20 new development opportunities (“10K Sites”) that will be made

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Public-Private Partnerships

Metro has a plan for a better LA. We’re taking cues from the most innovative agencies around the world, and looking for new ways to deliver our projects better, faster and more affordably through Public-Private Partnerships (P3). What are Public-Private Partnerships (P3)? Public-Private Partnerships (P3) are collaborations between a public

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Rail Maintenance and Operations Facilities

We’re building more rail transit options with improved quality and service. With new lines planned and under construction more maintenance and storage facilities will be needed to keep them  running smoothly and efficiently. What are rail yards? Rail yards are sites with maintenance and storage facilities for cleaning, maintaining, and

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Rail Modes

We’re building more rail lines to reduce the amount of time spent in traffic. It’s part of Metro’s plan to make it easier to get around LA. During the planning and environmental evaluation process for a new rail line, a number of factors help us to determine the mode. These

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Real Estate Services (Acquisitions)

Metro has a plan to create more transit options for all who live, work and play in LA County, When building new projects, we often need to buy or lease land for construction or operations. Our Real Estate Services (Acquisitions) team is responsible for the full range of real estate

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Station Construction

We’re building more rail transit options. And, underground rail stations are an essential part to many of Metro’s existing and upcoming rail projects. Please see the Tunneling Fact Sheet to learn how decisions are made whether to build underground and how tunnels are built.   Hoja Informativa Fact Sheet 사실 시트

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Station Design Projects

Metro stations must be well located, recognizable, attractive, and easy to use, with well-designed station public areas, including plazas, concourses and platforms. Through coordination with other Metro departments, cities and other stakeholders, the Systemwide Design team helps design Metro stations that connect to the urban environment and regional transit network.

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Station Naming

We’re building more rail transit lines and stations, with many new stations under construction and more in the planning phase. It’s part of Metro’s plan to make it easier to get around LA.  What is Metro’s Station Naming Policy? Stations will be named to maximize convenience for the rider. Naming

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Metro is leading a bold movement to reimagine LA County: by expanding mobility, increasing access to opportunities, advancing environmental stewardship, and prioritizing equity. Thoughtfully and strategically, we are committed to combating climate change and reducing LA County’s carbon footprint.

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Transit Oriented Communities

Metro has a plan for a better LA. Our unprecedented transportation investment is an opportunity to reshape how people move and live in LA County, and sow the seeds for a more equitable, sustainable region. We are looking beyond the footprint of Metro stations and bus stops to think holistically

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Triple Constraints

We’re building new infrastructure to deliver the mobility needs of LA County now and in the future, which entails facing challenges. But Metro has a plan for a better LA. As we manage our projects, Metro must trade between three constraints: budget, scope and schedule. Change one, and the other

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Metro has a plan to make it easier for you to get around LA.  It includes building better transit. Tunnel construction on new rail or highway transportation projects is an important piece of the process. Fact Sheet To Build or Not to Build (a tunnel) Physical environment: Tunnels may be

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