Regular Ride
Senior 62+ / Medicare / Customer with Disability
$.75 peak
$.35 off-peak
K-12 and Community College Students
Free with GoPass
Low Income (LIFE)
20 Free rides/mo

Metro Active Transportation Strategic Plan Update Virtual Community Meeting

Virtual Public Scoping Meeting CA, United States

You're invited to a virtual Community Meeting on Metro's Active Transportation Strategic Plan (ATSP) Update. The ATSP Update process aims to engage local communities, stakeholders and public agencies to encourage and create a better environment for active transportation opportunities across LA County. 

ATSP Update Community Briefing – Arroyo Verdugo, San Gabriel Valley, North LA County, San Fernando Valley

Virtual Public Scoping Meeting CA, United States

Please join us at the virtual community briefing on the Active Transportation Strategic Plan Update for the following subregions: Arroyo Verdugo, San Gabriel Valley, North LA County and San Fernando Valley. The ATSP was first adopted in 2016 as the vision for regional bikeways and first/last mile connectivity for all who live, work and play […]

ATSP Update Community Briefing – South Bay Cities and Gateway Cities

Virtual Public Scoping Meeting CA, United States

Please join us at the virtual community briefing on the Active Transportation Strategic Plan (ATSP) Update for the following subregions: South Bay Cities and Gateway Cities. The ATSP was first adopted in 2016 as the vision for regional bikeways and first/last mile connectivity for all who live, work and play in LA County. Metro has […]

ATSP Update Community Briefing – Las Virgenes/Malibu, Westside Cities, and Central LA

Virtual Public Scoping Meeting CA, United States

Please join us at the virtual community briefing on the Active Transportation Strategic Plan (ATSP) Update for the following subregions: Las Virgenes/Malibu, Westside Cities, and Central LA. The ATSP was first adopted in 2016 as the vision for regional bikeways and first/last mile connectivity for all who live, work and play in LA County. Metro […]

Rail to Rail Active Transportation Corridor Project Construction Update Community Meeting

Virtual Public Scoping Meeting CA, United States

Rail to Rail Active Transportation Corridor Project Construction Update Community Meeting, Please join us at our upcoming virtual community meeting to receive the latest updates on the start of construction for the Rail to Rail (Active Transportation Corridor) Project. Come hear from our Rail-to-Rail Project Team as they provide a project overview and information on […]

Rail to Rail Active Transportation Corridor Project Construction Update Community Meeting

Virtual Public Scoping Meeting CA, United States

Rail to Rail Active Transportation Corridor Project Construction Update Community Meeting, Please join us at our upcoming virtual community meeting to receive the latest updates for the Rail to Rail (Active Transportation Corridor) Project. Come hear from our Rail-to-Rail Project Team as they provide a project overview and information on upcoming construction. Virtual Community Meeting: […]

Active Transportation Strategic Plan Update Final Community Meeting

Virtual Public Scoping Meeting CA, United States

Please join us as we roll out our Draft Final Active Transportation Strategic Plan (ATSP) Update. Through extensive community input and technical research, Metro has updated the regional plan to improve walking, biking, and rolling throughout LA County.   

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