

Metro is leading a bold movement to reimagine LA County: by expanding mobility, increasing access to opportunities, advancing environmental stewardship, and prioritizing equity. Thoughtfully and strategically, we are committed to combating climate change and reducing LA County’s carbon footprint.

Metro’s Sustainability Vision

Every day is Earth Day at Metro. As transportation is one of the largest sources of greenhouse gas emissions in California, sustainability is at the heart of Metro’s mission to deliver transportation and mobility services. Sustainability is also integrated into every aspect of decision-making, including the way we plan, partner, design, build, operate and maintain our transit infrastructure, enriching communities, and lives. This includes seeking out and implementing innovative solutions to improve air quality, protect natural resources, reduce waste, and create connected communities. To uphold these values, Metro has implemented numerous programs and projects, ensuring that all endeavors align with our sustainability and resiliency goals. Ultimately, this initiative is an integral part of Metro’s vision to build a better transit system for all who live, work and play in LA.

Our vision is to create an organizational culture and workforce that continually integrates the principles of sustainability into all aspects of decision-making and execution to enhance communities through mobility and access to opportunity.

Sustainability Policies

Metro has adopted numerous sustainability policies that govern our planning, design, construction, and operations activities, ensuring that our sustainability and resiliency values and commitments are consistently, uniformly and equitably implemented. A complete list of our sustainability policies can be accessed using the link below.

Sustainability Plans & Reports

What is Moving Beyond Sustainability?

Our 10-year Sustainability Strategic Plan Moving Beyond Sustainability (MBS) manifests our commitment to sustainability and resiliency, outlining a comprehensive strategy through 2030 – and beyond. While we plan, grow and manage the fastest-growing transportation system in the nation, sustainability remains at the forefront of our decision-making. Our definition of sustainability is holistic – accounting for environmental, social, and economic considerations, while also prioritizing community resilience and equity.

While MBS is a cornerstone of the sustainability program, Metro has numerous plans and reports related to sustainability that guide our inititiatives and report on historical progress. To view Metro’s current plans and reports, please click the link below.

How do we report on our progress?

Metro’s annual sustainability reporting process provides crucial data to inform our decision-making, helping us identify opportunities to implement meaningful programs and projects in accordance with our MBS goals and the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) Sustainability Commitment.

Our Sustainability Performance Dashboard serves as an update to over a decade of reporting through Metro’s Energy and Resource Reports. This data-forward, highly adaptive and responsive reporting environment provides our patrons, stakeholders and the general public with a clear, interactive and accessible view of our performance and progress.

Sustainability Council

Seeking more ways to get involved in sustainability at LA Metro? Then look no further!


Goal of the Sustainability Council:

Established in 2017, the mission of the Sustainability Council is to advise Metro regarding its sustainability-related activities and projects, and to continually improve Metro’s sustainability and resiliency efforts.

The objectives of the Sustainability Council are as follows:

  • Increase awareness of sustainability-related leading industry best practices for inclusion in all public discussions and decision-making processes.
  • Advise in the development of the LA Metro sustainability goals, established targets and performance measures, and assist in the tracking and reporting on a quarterly basis.
  • Increase involvement of local small business and underrepresented stakeholders and inform the larger public on sustainability work and related training.
  • Improve the understanding of our constituents and stakeholders of the sustainability-related efforts and opportunities at LA Metro.

Sustainability Council Meeting Cadence:

LA Metro’s Sustainability Council meets one Friday every-other month for a 2-hour meeting covering current LA Metro projects and best practices that LA Metro should consider as we continue to expand our sustainability efforts. Check out Metro’s Sustainability Council page (linked below) for the date of the next upcoming meeting.

How Can I Apply?

Please follow the link below to the main Metro Sustainability Council page to download the candidate application form.

For information on Metro’s Sustainability Council, please visit our website:

Coming Soon

Sustainability Youth Program & Speaker Series

This platform will amplify our youth’s voice to engage directly with experts and thought leaders in sustainability. We are committed to fostering informed and empowered youth who will be prepared to lead us in a more sustainable and equitable world.

​Sign up below for program launch and updates. 


Growing a Greener Workforce (GGW)

Metro launched its Growing a Greener Workforce (GGW) program in 2017, with the goal of fostering an increasingly sustainable and resilient Los Angeles by arming Metro staff members and the public with sustainability knowledge. Through partnerships with organizations such as the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure (ISI), the U.S. Green Building Council-Los Angeles (USGBC-LA), and the Theodore Payne Foundation, Metro’s GGW program has provided sustainability classes and workshops to more than 2,000 Angelenos over the last six years.

GGW is currently undergoing a strategic visioning process, including the development of new courses based on community feedback, to best serve the Metro community in the coming years. Classes are currently being held both virtually and in-person. For more information and to register click here

Regional Collaborations

Bus Stop Improvement Program

Providing low carbon transit alternatives to driving is one of Metro’s most important contributions to regional sustainability. Metro’s Board Motion 26.1-PSAC and the 2022 Customer Experience Plan  identified bus stops as a primary pain point for customers.

Metro is facilitating a regional conversation focused on enhancing bus stops in Greater Los Angeles while establishing an aspirational approach for creating better, cleaner and amenities-enhanced bus stops that improve customer experiences. Metro does not own the sidewalks where bus stops are located, but the initiative will consider strategies to balance operational constraints and realities with the requests and needs of Metro’s riders, transit partners, and community stakeholders alongside with our jurisdictional partners who control bus stop locations.

Metro is currently developing a website for resources that are associated with the Bus Stop Improvement Program.


Green Places Toolkit

Metro’s Green Places Toolkit provides tools and resources for City and County representatives, civic leaders, advocates, and community members to reimagine and reinvent public spaces. By improving the experience of taking transit through greening and placemaking, this toolkit aims to encourage transit use and address Los Angeles’ unique environmental challenges.

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