Metro Bus
- Bus stops: 12,016 (as of Jun ‘24)
- Service area: 1,447 square miles
- Number of bus routes (directly operated and contracted): 119 (includes K Line bus bridge)
- Total Metro bus fleet: 2,067 (as of Oct. 1, 2024 and includes spares and buses used in contracted service)
- Peak number of buses deployed by Metro directly weekdays (December 2024 service change): 1,567 buses
- Peak number of buses deployed by contractors for Metro routes on weekdays (after the December 15, 2024, service change): 90 buses
- Annual revenue service hours directly operated in FY24: 6,346,045
- Annual revenue service hours contracted in FY24: 474,382
- Annual revenue service hours for G Line in FY24: 98,560
- Total revenue service hours in FY24: 6,918,987
- Annual revenue service miles directly operated in FY24: 64,109,105
- Annual revenue service miles contracted in FY24: 5,506,607
- Annual revenue service miles G Line in FY24: 1,497,280
- Total revenue service miles in FY24: 71,112,992
Metro Rail
- Stations: 107
- Number of heavy rail cars: 100
- Number of light rail cars: 337
- Miles of service: 109
- Number of lines: 6 (2 heavy rail, 4 light rail)
- Annual revenue service rail car hours in FY24: 1,193,154
- Annual revenue service rail car miles in FY24: 23,658,964
- Station elevators: 180
- Station escalators: 171
Metro A Line
- Opened: 1990, Long Beach to Downtown Los Angeles, added Regional Connector and absorbed L Line from Little Tokyo to Azusa (APU/Citrus) in 2023. Note: former L Line (Union Station – Sierra Madre Villa) opened in 2003, with Azusa Extension of L Line opening in 2016.
- Miles: 48.5
- Type: Light rail
- Stations: 44 (5 shared with E Line)
Metro B Line
- Opened: Union Station – MacArthur Park 1993, extended to Wilshire/Western 1996, added Wilshire/Vermont – Hollywood/Vine 1999, Hollywood/Vine – North Hollywood 2000
- Miles: 14.7
- Type: Heavy rail
- Stations: 14 (6 shared with D Line)
Metro C Line
- Opened: 1995, modified 2024 to terminate at LAX/Metro Transit Center (portion transferred to K Line)
- Miles: 17.8
- Type: Light rail
- Stations: 12 (2 shared)
Metro D Line
- Opened: Union Station – MacArthur Park 1993, extended to Wilshire/Western 1996, became branch when extension Wilshire/Vermont to Hollywood/Vine opened in 1999.
- Miles: 5.1
- Type: Heavy rail
- Stations: 8 (6 shared with B Line)
Metro E Line
- Opened: Culver City 2012, Santa Monica Extension 2016, added Regional Connector and absorbed L Line from Little Tokyo to Eastside in 2023. Note: The Eastside Extension of the former L Line opened in 2009.
- Miles: 21.9
- Type: Light Rail
- Stations 29 (5 shared with A Line)
Metro K Line
- Opened: 2022 (Expo/Crenshaw – Westchester/Veterans), extended in 2024 to Aviation/Century and reconfigured to include C Line between Aviation/LAX and Redondo Beach, which was formerly part of the C Line.
- Miles: 11
- Type: Light Rail
- Stations: 13 (2 shared stations)
Metro Busways
Metro G Line
- Opened: Canoga Park 2005, Chatsworth Extension 2012
- Miles: 17.7
- Type: Busway
- Stations: 18
Metro J Line
- Opened: 2009
- Miles: n/a
- Type: Busway
- Stations: 12
Bikes Lanes
Metro provides grants to cities in order for them to build bicycle lanes on city streets. Metro Bike Share began in 2016.
- Class I (Off Street Bike Path): 321 miles
- Class II (Unprotected Bike Lanes): 984 miles
- Class III (On-Street Bicycle Route): 553 miles
- Class IV (Separated Bicycle Lanes/Cycle Track): 77 miles
- Total: 1,935 miles
Metro also operates Metro Bike Share Program in selected areas, including Downtown Los Angeles, Central Los Angeles, the Westside and North Hollywood.
- Number of participating Metro Bike Share stations: 225
- Number of bikes in the Metro Bike Share program: 1,800
- Number of bike rides taken through the Metro Bike Share Program in 2023: 441,209
Metro has partnered with BikeHub, an independent contractor, to create Metro Bike Hubs–– secure bike self-parking and service stations.
- Number of Metro BikeHubs: 5
Bike Hub Locations:
- Hollywood/Vine: (1630 North Vine St, Los Angeles CA 90028)
- Culver City (3702 S. Robertson Blvd, Culver City, CA 90232)
- Los Angeles Union Station (800 N. Alameda St, Los Angeles, CA 90012)
- Rosa Parks/Willowbrook (11720 S. Wilmington Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90059)
- El Monte (3501 Santa Anita Ave, El Monte CA 91731)
Metro Micro
Metro Micro is an on-demand rideshare service operating in many Los Angeles County neighborhoods.
Service areas: Watts/Compton, LAX/Inglewood, North Hollywood/Burbank, Highland Park/Eagle Rock/Glendale, Altadena/Pasadena/Sierra Madre, Northwest San Fernando Valley, UCLA/Westwood/VA Medical Center, El Monte
- Number of vehicles: 85
- Number of service zones: 8
- Revenue hours in FY24 (hours that vehicles were available for service): 219,910
- Revenue service miles in FY24: 2,969,939
- Passenger boarding in FY24: 762,757
- Number of trips taken to date (as of September ‘24): 2,138,910
Carpool and ExpressLanes
Metro funds the development of High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes (carpool lanes) with Caltrans.
- Miles of HOV lanes: 509.6 lane miles
- Miles of MetroExpress lanes: 25 miles (50 miles in both directions)
- Number of transponders issued for Metro ExpressLanes: 1.6 million
- Number of trips taken on Metro ExpressLanes: 342,097,711 trips
- Number of soundwalls Metro has built since 2000: 20.7 miles
Freeway Service Patrol
The Metro Freeway Service Patrol (FSP) is a congestion mitigation program managed in partnership with Metro, CHP and Caltrans on all major freeways in LA County. It’s the largest of its kind in the nation. FSP service has been operational since 1991.
- Number of tow truck beats: 43
- Number of tow trucks on patrol: 138
- Number of freeway miles served: 475
- Number of motorists assisted monthly: 25,000
- Motorist hours saved annually from sitting in traffic: 9.8 million
- Gallons of fuel savings annually: 16.9 million
- Emissions reductions annually: 150 million kg CO2
- Annual budget: $38 million
Fare Discount Programs
LIFE (Low Income Fares are Easy) began in 2018.
Cumulative number of enrollments (until November 4, 2024): 397,852
GoPass is a pilot that launched in 2021.
Number of students benefited since launch (Nov ‘24): 471,353
Number of free rides provided since launch: 46 million
Number of school districts participating: 130
Number of schools participating: 1,600
Metro Personnel
Metro has 12,095 employees, including represented (union) and non-represented (management) workers, temporary employees and interns.
The Sheet, Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation (SMART) Union represents 5,335 Metro employees, which include bus, rail and microtransit operators.
- Microtransit operators: 165
- Bus operators (full-time): 4,089
- Bus operators (part-time): 573
- Rail operators: 462
- Schedule analyst/checkers: 46
The Amalgated Transit Union (ATU) represents 2,680 Metro employees, which include mechanics, maintenance staff and service attendants.
The Transportation Communications Union (TCU) represents 1,086 Metro employees, which include custodians, clerks, equipment records specialists.
The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Union represents 844 Metro employees, which include transportation and maintenance supervisors.
The Teamsters Union represents 207 Metro security guards.
- Represented employees: 10,152
- Non-represented employees: 1,943
- Total full-time staff: 10,944
Metro Art
Number of integrated artworks on the system: 180+
Metro FY25 Adopted Budget
Revenues (in millions)
- Passenger Fares: $174.6
- ExpressLane tolls: $81.7
- Advertising: $27.2
- Other revenues (includes bike program, Park and Ride, film revenues, auto registration fees, transit court fees, CNG credits, etc): $88.0
- Transportation Development Act (TDA)/State Transit Assistance (STA)/ SB1: $857.7
- Proposition A: $1,156.0
- Proposition C: $1,156.0
- Measure R: $1,156.0
- Measure M: $1,156.0
- Federal and State Grants: $1,660.4
- Bond Proceeds, TIFIA and Prior Year Carryover: $1,502.9
Total Resources: $9,016.4
Expenditures (in millions)
- Transportation Infrastructure Development: $1,964.9
- Metro Transit – Operations & Maintenance $2,655.7
- Metro Transit Capital Improvement Program (CIP): $559.3
- Regional Allocation and Pass-Throughs: $2,052.9
- Highway Multimodal Development: $599.8
- Regional Rail: $226.8
- Congestion Management: $124.4
- General Planning & Programs: $245.0
- Debt Program: $497.3
- Oversight & Administration: $90.2
Total Expenses: $9,016.4