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Propositions A and C
Voter-approved tax funding measures from 1980 and 1990.
Proposition A
Approved by voters in November 1980, Proposition A is a half-cent sales tax dedicated to transportation funding and was the first of its kind to address transportation challenges in LA County.
Proposition A has funded transportation projects, improved bus service, initiated plans for a rail system that continues to be expanded today and helped subsidize fares. The Proposition A expenditure plan includes 3 categories: 25% to Local Return Programs, 35% to rail development and 40% to discretionary.
Proposition C
Proposition C was approved by Los Angeles County voters in November 1990, generating with a half-cent sales tax. Proposition C was intended to support projects and programs developed with Proposition A funds and, in particular, was to provide funding to help improve and expand the rail system started with Proposition A funds.
The Proposition C expenditure plan is as follows: 20% Local Return programs; 5% rail and bus security; 10% commuter rail, transit centers and park & ride; 25% transit-related highway improvements; and 40% discretionary.
Independent Citizen’s Advisory and Oversight committee (ICAOC)
The Independent Citizen’s Advisory and Oversight Committee (ICAOC) was appointed under the Metropolitan Transportation Authority Reform and Accountability Act of 1998, approved by voters in November 1998. The purpose of the Act was to provide accountability in the expenditure of Proposition A and Proposition C sales tax revenues through annual independent audits of transportation sales tax expenditures, the creation of an Independent Citizen’s Advisory and Oversight Committee, and public hearings on the independent audit reports. The Act requires an annual independent audit of the Propositions A and C Sales Taxes Revenues and Expenditures.
FY23 Annual Propositions A and C Audit Report
FY22 Annual Propositions A and C Audit Report
FY21 Annual Propositions A and C Audit Report
FY20 Annual Propositions A and C Audit Report
Independent Citizen’s Advisory and Oversight Committee (ICAOC) Active Members
Emina Darakjy
Appointed by Mayor, City of Pasadena; effective December 31, 1998
Dwight D. Ham
Appointed by Chair, Metro Board of Directors; effective March 10, 2003
Brian Russell
Appointed by Mayor, City of Long Beach; effective February 18, 1999
Belinda Valles Faustinos
Appointed by Chair, Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors; effective June 29, 2016
Louis F. Moret
Appointed by Mayor, City of Los Angeles; effective August 28, 2019
Contact Us
Name: Monica Del Toro
Email: deltorom@metro.net
Tel: 213.922.7494
Name: Lauren Choi
Email: choil@metro.net
Tel: 213.922.3926