LIFE Program Sign-Ups at InnerCity Struggle’s Poemas Y Recuerdos Event

InnerCity Struggle 3467 Whittier Bl, Los Angeles, United States

Metro’s Low-Income Fare is Easy (LIFE) program invites you to attend an upcoming enrollment event. Once you’re in the program, you can purchase discounted passes or load 20 free regional rides on Metro or any participating transit agencies. Sign up now and get unlimited free rides for the first 90 days! What to bring: Photo […]

LIFE Program Sign-Up Event at San Fernando Swap Meet

San Fernando Swap Meet 585 Glenoaks Blvd, San Fernando, United States

Metro’s Low-Income Fare is Easy (LIFE) program invites you to attend an upcoming enrollment event. Once you’re in the program, you can purchase discounted passes or load 20 free regional rides on Metro or any participating transit agencies. Sign up now and get unlimited free rides for the first 90 days! What to bring: Photo […]

Public Liability/Property Damage Claims Commitee

The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority Public Liability/Property Damage Claims Committee will hold a meeting on Monday, March 11, 2024, from 9:00 a.m.- 10:00 a.m. in the Riviera Conference Room, 10th Floor.   Meeting Agenda   Please check in with security on 3rd floor, you may also submit your comment via email to:

San Gabriel Valley Service Council

3449 Santa Anita Ave, El Monte, CA 91731 3449 Santa Anita Ave, El Monte, CA, United States

Participate by Zoom: Online: By phone: Dial 213 338 8477 or 888 475 4499 (Toll Free) Webinar ID: 876 9545 1647, Passcode: 734758 Meeting Agenda Agendas for previous meetings Metro El Monte Division 9 Building Third Floor Service Council Conference Room 3449 Santa Anita Ave. (Santa Anita Ave. & Ramona Blvd.) El Monte, CA […]

Community Update Meeting I-10 ExpressLanes Extension Project

Pomona High School 475 Bangor St, Pomona, CA

Please join us to learn more about this proposed project to extend existing ExpressLanes on the Interstate 10 Freeway further east.  In-Person Meeting Pomona High School - Cafeteria 475 Bangor St Pomona, CA 91767  Wednesday, March 13, 2024 6-7:30 pm

Westside/Central Service Council

1 Gateway Plaza, 3rd Floor Board Room, Los Angeles, CA 90012 1 Gateway Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Participate by Zoom: Online: By phone: Dial (213) 338-8477 or (888) 475 4499 (Toll Free) Webinar ID: 868 0072 4592#, Participant ID: 764206# Meeting Agenda Agendas for previous meetings Submit comments before the meeting via email or by postal mail: Regional Service Councils, One Gateway Plaza, MS: 99-7-1, Los Angeles, CA 90012. Indicate the meeting name, date, and agenda item number when […]

Long Beach to East Los Angeles Corridor Investment Plan – In-Person Meeting

Paramount Elk Lodge #1804 8108 Alondra Blvd, Paramount, California

Metro and Caltrans invite you to attend our in-person Community Meeting to learn more about the draft Long Beach to East Los Angeles Corridor Investment Plan and provide input on the recommended projects and funding strategies identified to improve mobility and safety for the communities between Long Beach and East Los Angeles. For more information and […]

LIFE Program Sign-Up Event at ECEvolution Conference

ECEvolution Conference 961 E 61st St, Los Angeles, United States

Metro’s Low-Income Fare is Easy (LIFE) program invites you to attend an upcoming enrollment event. Once you’re in the program, you can purchase discounted passes or load 20 free regional rides on Metro or any participating transit agencies. Sign up now and get unlimited free rides for the first 90 days! What to bring: Photo […]

Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC)

Agenda Overview Metro’s Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC) provides input on Metro accessibility for riders with disabilities. The AAC meets on the second Thursday of February, March, May, June, August, September, November, and December in the Henry Huntington Conference Room, 3rd floor in the Metro Headquarters building in downtown Los Angeles. Participants may also attend the […]

Accessibility Advisory Committee: Steering Committee

Agenda Overview The Metro Accessibility Advisory Committee’s Steering Subcommittee meets after scheduled AAC meetings to discuss pertinent AAC activities and plan for the successful operation of the AAC. Metro’s Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC) provides input on Metro accessibility for riders with disabilities. The AAC meets on the second Thursday of February, March, May, June, August, […]

Gateway Cities Service Council

3401 E Florence Ave, Huntington Park, CA 90255 3401 E Florence Ave, Huntington Park, CA, United States

Zoom: Online: By phone: Dial (213) 338-8477 or (888) 475 4499 (Toll Free) Webinar ID: 878 3912 9126, Passcode: 364076 The Gateway Cities Service Council (Southeast LA County) usually meets on the second Thursday of each month at 5:00 pm. Meeting Agenda Agendas for previous meetings Participate in Person: Salt Lake Park Community Center Lounge […]

East San Fernando Valley Construction Update Meeting

Panarama Presbyterian Church 14201 Roscoe Blvd  , Panorama City, CA

The East San Fernando Valley Light Rail Transit (ESFV LRT) Project will improve connections and access to crucial destinations while connecting transit users to the growing network in the San Fernando Valley. The Southern Segment of the project includes a 6.7-mile at-grade alignment that will operate in the center of Van Nuys Bl, from the […]

Metro Bus Line 134 will resume service between Santa Monica and Trancas Canyon in Malibu on Friday, Feb. 28. Buses WILL NOT serve stops between Temescal Canyon and Rambla Vista due to damage from the Palisades Fire. Line 602 is running a modified route. In Altadena, Lines 660 and 662 are running modified routes due to the Eaton Fire. Metro is also offering discounted reduced fare programs for those impacted by the fires.