The Rail to River Active Transportation (AT) Segment B Project is designed to create a safe, continuous corridor for biking and walking, extending approximately 4 miles east along Randolph Street from the Metro A Line Slauson Station to the Los Angeles River. This route will connect the cities of Bell, Maywood, Huntington Park, and the unincorporated Florence-Firestone community in Los Angeles County. Planning for corridor improvements is being conducted in collaboration with local jurisdictions and related projects.
Segment B is currently in the Design and Environmental Clearance phase. As a result of the fires in LA County, the meetings that were originally scheduled for January and February have been rescheduled. We invite you to join us on February 25, March 6 or 8, for a community meeting that focuses on active transportation improvements on Randolph St. In-person meetings will offer a Kids’ Corner with fun activities.
For full meeting details, please view the flyer here.